Tuesday, 30 September 2014

Democracy in Pakistan

  Abrahm Lincoln once defined ' democracy as the government of the people, by the people for the people. It means that in democratic form of government common man plays the pivotal role. The aristocracy the landlords and the politicians have to work according to the wishes of the common man. The main object of their political activities is thus the welfare, Betterment and amelioration of the poor masses of the country who electthem as their rpresentatives and to whom they are answerable for their duties and responsibilities.

              In many parts of hte world this form of government has been adopted very successfully. America and India can be cited as two bright examples of democracy. In America people indirectly participate in the working of the government. The president is responsivle for all  his decisions and actions to the congress that comprises the representatives of the people. The policy of check and balace is followed to prevent the three pillars of government i.e legislature, executive and judiciary to trespass their limits .Thus the 

people of America are enjoying the fruits of democracy fully as they have their due share in the functions of the government. They have freedom to express their views and opinions in a proper manner. They have also an easy access to justice and can defend their rights.

               It is true that the essence of democracy lies in the well being of the masses and thir participation in the functions of the  government. But it is a pity that in developing and under developed countries like Pakistan democracy is used as a eweapon against the people. In these countries democracy has bred and encouraged hatred , hooliganism and witch hunting.
                  The main cause of the failure of democracy in these countries is that education is not common here. People are mostly illiterate and are ignorant of their rights and responsibilities. The people they choose in elections as their representatives, the rulers and the law makers of the country are usually the big landlords or 

industrialists who have no concern with education, independent thinking and pure patriotic feelings. They grab power with the sole aim of making people their slaves so that they may multiply their wealth by fair or unfair means. This wealth is then used for personal ostentation, luxurious living and sensual pleasure.
                       In Pakistan, sectarianism, illiteracy, bradry system and poor economic condition have deteriorated or social  and political structrue. Most of the so called politicians and law makers are illiterate. Their pockets are full of money but their minds are 
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devoed of wisdom. The law makers are the law breakers. They themselves are involved in such heinous crimes as smuggling, dacoity, murder, theft, drug trafficking and terrorism.
                      Power hungry mullahs and, Army Generals have been a great hinderance in making Pakistan a democratic state. Soon after the creation of Pakistan mililary Generals forgetting their duty of defending the borders of the country jumped into the arena of politics. The mullahs supported these military dicators and thus both joined hands to keep the poor people of the country in permanent subjugation.

                         Democracy can flourish only those contries where people are literate and are fully aware of their rights and responsibilities. If we wnat to make Pakistan a democratic country, we will have to spred education so that people may be able to distinguish between good and evil and have courage to fight against the evil.

Friday, 26 September 2014


Marrige Clubs:

          Pakistan is a country of Muslims. Here people are very happy in our country they loves their country. In a few years ago, marrige clubs introduced in Pakistan and very soon it's important has been  so much.Marrige club is the paltform where cuples are joined for a long life. In marrige clubs people make a days which they will never forget. Due to Marrige clubs the life of Peoples have been very easy. Before the marrige clubs people arranged our marrige functions in houses. It was difficult way for the arrange of marrige functions. Now, they feel so easy and in functions they celebrate very joy full .


                Marrige clubs save your functions of weddings, cermony, and many other functions. Marrige clubs  make your functions are wonderful, interesting and so beautiful. Every year many weddings are arranged in clubs. Before marrige clubs people waste of money for memoryelable of their weddings but they failed. Now due to marrige clubs every moment of life capture in a meomery and they feel so very easy of the wedding functions. I think it is the best in this way no waste time, no tenshion, no wait, no more any problem created.
The demands of all people is that wedding make a so beautiful.



What a cuples, in marrige clubs save your weddings. When a cuple involve in marrige cermoney how will the romantinc scence? But it time is so beautiful and every cuple remember this time. And in future time they missed this time and feel very happy. Due to marrige clubs our life have been so easy. Now it is a easy way of functions. In every country the traditions of weddings are different. So in pakistan the traditions of weddings is a Islamic. Anyway they could arrange of their wedding traditions in marrige clubs. They can make a wedding functions. In weddings they attend a wedding guests in marrige clubs. They can make thier parties are wonderful and beautiful.

Why i Love Pakistan?

  • Introduction
  • Patriotism a natural passion
  • Ideology of Pakistan is the cause of my love
  •  What is ideolgy 
  • The Pakistan Movement
  •  Reasons behind the creation of Pakistan 
  • Our responsibilities
                 Everybody loves his country because patriotism is a natural passion.We lide the earth where we are born. We like it because it feeds our bodies, illuminates our minds and souls. Here we live among our near and dear ones who share our pains and pleasures. We feel a sense of security, closeness and companionship. Ecerything that it possesses belongs to us. Its beautiful valleys, high mountanis, surging rivers and its values. customs and traditions all are dear to us.

        But my love for my country is not only because of these earthly and meterial things. I do love the scentic beauty of my country. But outer beauty is just superficial and temporary. It can attract permanently only when it has also some great ideal hidden in it. My country has this ideal which we  call the ideolgy of Pakistan. And my love for my country is due to my love for its ideology.
        Ideology is a set of ideas, beliefs and doctrines  that the people of a country want to follow in every field of life. As ours is a Muslim country, our ideology can be nothing but Islam. Pakistan Movement was started in the name of Islam. Before the partition, the Muslims of the subcontinent wer leading a miserable life in India.

             The English were their political rulers while the hindus were their social and economic rulers. They had been living with the Hindus for many centuries. But the two nations had nothing common between them. Their religions, customs, traditions, cultures and languages all were different. They neither intermarried nor interdined. They friend of the one was the foe of the other. The English rulers always sided with the Hindus. After 1857 it was crystal clear that the Muslims would never be able to lead their lives according to the teachings of Islam if they continued living with the Hindus.
             Keeping all this in veiw, the Muslims of the subcontinent decided to lauch a movement for a separate homeland. Sir Syed Ahmed Khan, Allama Iqbal, Quaid-e-Azam and many other Muslim leader provided them the most sincere and dynamic leadership.

       At last, by the collecative efforts of the muslims of india, Paksitan emerged on the map of the world on the 14th of August, 1947 as the largest Muslim country of the world. But alas, even afterthe sixty years of its creation, Pakistan could not be a true Muslim country. It has fallen a prey to sectarianism, corruption and hypocrisy. Different sects are quarrelling with one another, in the name of Islam.


        The illiterate and narrow-minded mulllahs are busy in mading false and illogical inciting defferent sects against one another and are minting money for themselves. If this sorry state of affairs continues Pakistan would fall into the lap of either the Hindus or the Americans.

              It is our duty to preserve its independence, integrity and solidarity. This we can do only by preserving its ideology which is hidden in the teaching of Islam. Let true Islam be the be- all and end- all of our lives.

Tuesday, 23 September 2014



1.  What is Dengue Fever?
          Dengue fever is an infectious disease transmitted by mosquito and caused by any of the four related dengue viruses. It is called " break bone fever" because it may cause sever joint and musle pain. Dengue is transmitted by female Aedes mosquito. Since no vaccine is available, preventionis the best remedy.
2.   History
            Dengue is one of the many viral diseases transmitted by the mosquito. The disease commonly breaks out in explosive epidemics that spread with amazing rapidity as seen in 2011 in Lahore. The disease has affected all warm parts of the world such as Pakistan, India, Sri Lankh, Bangladesh, Central Africa, Cenral America and China. It is a disease of monkeys transmitted to them by forest dwelling mosquitoes.

mosquitoes got the virus from monkeys and made way to human villages where they started breeding. Hence infected human bening carried the disease to cities where Aedes took over as the vector.
3.     Occurrence and Geographical Distribution
               Dengue was geographically restricted until the middle of 20th century. It was relatively a minor disease. During the 2nd world war, Aedes mosquitoes (eggs) were transported around the world with cargo and thought to have played a crucial role in the spresd of virus. It was first properly documented in 1950's during episdemics in the Philippines and Thailand. It is found persistently in local populations (endemic) in  more than 100 countries in Asia, America and Africa. World Health Organization (WHO) has estimated that 50 to 100 million infections occur every year.
4.      SYMPTOMS
             After an infected mosquito's bite incubation period of 4-7 days is required before the symptoms appear in the patient . The symptoms of different types of dengue fever are as follows:
Types of Dengue fever
   These include:
   Asymptomatic or Undifferentiated fever
   Dengue fever (DF) 
   Dengue Haemorrhagic fever (DHF)
   Dengue Shock Syndrome (DSS)
Asymptomatic or Undifferentiated fever
     This is type of fever which represents flu- likes symptoms with mild fever.
Dengue fever
      The temperatue rises above 102F with sever headache, backache, pain at the back of the eyes and joints, with nausea and vomiting.
Dengue Haemorrhagic fever (DHF)
     It occurs in less than 5% of the patient. This is accompanied by extensice leakage of plasma. Very few cases show bleeding from nose, gums and rashes on the skin. The may be a decrease in heart rate, weak pulse and cool extremities. There is a rapid decrease in white blood cells(WBCs) and platelets. In some cases this may lead to DSS.
Dengue Shock Syndrome (DSS)
          Complete blood count showin total number of RBCs, WBCs and platelets per unit volume of blood is the basic deagnostic test.
  •  As in case of other viral diseases complete rest should be advised to the patient.
  • Family doctor should be consulted, though there is no specific medication available.
  • Initially paracentamol should be taken to control fever. Drugs like aspirin and brufen.....
  • Patients should take plenty of fluid to avoid dehydration.
  • Any person who is having fever for 3 or more days should consult a doctor.
  • If the patient feel worse (like voniting, severe abdominal pain or bleeding) he or she should be 
         immediately shifted to the hospital for treatment.

Monday, 22 September 2014



     Couurption in its various forms such as bribery, nepotism cronyism and exortion has penetrated deep into the vitals of our social system and destroyed the moral fibre of our society. It has almost become an integral part our administration, social and political culture. Not only low paid Govt and private employees but also our political leaders and and senior civil and milltary officials have fallen to the evil of corruptio. Thus it is gnawing away at the vitals of our society. The rising level of corruption has given way to cynicism, depression and a sense of insecurity. People have now started thinking that there is no end to corruption and that to feed the corrupt one has to be corrupt oneself.

Deplorable situation in Pakistan

       Govt. wants to operate behind a cloak of secracy and confidentials. Thus people are not informed of their rights. This ignorance on the part of the common man provides govt offficials to extort illegal benefits from him. So the common man is ignorant of his rights or the normal rules and regulations. They bribe even for a genuine and legal right that should have been done in normal routine.


  Since corruption emanates from the top, it can ve checked by putting honest people in position of authority. Peole lament the corruption of the present crop of polticians but repeatedly vote them back into the Assemblies during election. Why don't the voters revolt  and refuse to vote for lotas and plunderes? They do so simply because they think that system will never change and so to attain some favour or to get their legal or illegal job done, they should vote for someone whom they can easily approach.


    Low salaries compel most govt servants into corruption. No doubt, salaries of these people should be increased. But this measure alone will not be enough for tackling the issue of corruption.


Therfore, to address these issues in a meaningful and effective manner the following measures can be taken.
  1. Slaries of civil and military officers, politicans and other responsible persons should be increased.
  2. All civil and military officers, politicians and otherresponsible persons should be asked to file a 
 declaration of their assets before assuming any public office. A scrutiny of their wealth, after they have relinquished that offece should also be made.
    3. The institution of Ombudsman should be given more powers. The scope and areas of his jurisdiction should be enlarged.
    4. A powerful anti- corruption commission comprising known men of integrity should be constituted. It should be empowered to take action any person found guilty of corruption.

Cultures of Pakistan


The society and culture of Pakistan comprises numerous ethnic groups: the Punjabis, Kashmirs, Sindhis, in east Muhajirs, Makrani in the South; Baloch and Pashtun in the west; and the ancient Dardic, Wakhi, Baltistani and Burush communities in the north. These societies and cultures of Pakistan have been greatly influenced by many of its neighbours such as the South Asians, Turkic peoples, as well as the people of the Central Asia and the Middle East.
     It is the cultres of Pakisan. Acctually, culture is the way of life any society. Culture is the view of people. It is the continually changing pattern of learned behaviour and the product of learned behaviour which are shared by and transmitted among members of the society.
    Language is one of the basic factors in culture.One can communicate on's ideas to others by the use of language and the idea of others .

The term Pakistani clothing refers to the ethnic clothin that is typically worn by individuals in the country of Pakistan and by the people of pakistni descent. Pakistnai clothes express the culture of Pakistan, the Demographics of Pakistan and regional cultures which include Punjabi culture, Sindhi culture, Balochi culture, Pashtun culture, and Kshmiri culture. Dress in each regional culture reflect weather conditions, way of living and distinctive style which gives it a unique identity all cultures.


Buddhism has left its mark on Pakistan. The ancient kingdom of Gandhara, in northern Pakistan, was a major center of Buddhist learning and arts from the first to fifth
AD . With influences from the West, Buddhists developed a tradition of Gandhara art that combined motifs from Persia, Greece, and Rome with Buddhist forms. The Indian-Islamic style of architecture, the many shrines of the pirs (Sufi saints), and the mosques such as the Badshahi Mosque in Lahore indicate the influence of Islam.