Monday, 22 September 2014



     Couurption in its various forms such as bribery, nepotism cronyism and exortion has penetrated deep into the vitals of our social system and destroyed the moral fibre of our society. It has almost become an integral part our administration, social and political culture. Not only low paid Govt and private employees but also our political leaders and and senior civil and milltary officials have fallen to the evil of corruptio. Thus it is gnawing away at the vitals of our society. The rising level of corruption has given way to cynicism, depression and a sense of insecurity. People have now started thinking that there is no end to corruption and that to feed the corrupt one has to be corrupt oneself.

Deplorable situation in Pakistan

       Govt. wants to operate behind a cloak of secracy and confidentials. Thus people are not informed of their rights. This ignorance on the part of the common man provides govt offficials to extort illegal benefits from him. So the common man is ignorant of his rights or the normal rules and regulations. They bribe even for a genuine and legal right that should have been done in normal routine.


  Since corruption emanates from the top, it can ve checked by putting honest people in position of authority. Peole lament the corruption of the present crop of polticians but repeatedly vote them back into the Assemblies during election. Why don't the voters revolt  and refuse to vote for lotas and plunderes? They do so simply because they think that system will never change and so to attain some favour or to get their legal or illegal job done, they should vote for someone whom they can easily approach.


    Low salaries compel most govt servants into corruption. No doubt, salaries of these people should be increased. But this measure alone will not be enough for tackling the issue of corruption.


Therfore, to address these issues in a meaningful and effective manner the following measures can be taken.
  1. Slaries of civil and military officers, politicans and other responsible persons should be increased.
  2. All civil and military officers, politicians and otherresponsible persons should be asked to file a 
 declaration of their assets before assuming any public office. A scrutiny of their wealth, after they have relinquished that offece should also be made.
    3. The institution of Ombudsman should be given more powers. The scope and areas of his jurisdiction should be enlarged.
    4. A powerful anti- corruption commission comprising known men of integrity should be constituted. It should be empowered to take action any person found guilty of corruption.

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